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Old Mon Mar 13, 2006, 06:51pm
sloth sloth is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 147
I'm glad to hear that some of y'all will be coming up to the Indy clinic in June. Both are good clinics, espically for the price. I felt that the level of instruction at the NKOA clinic was better than I've seen at the Indy clinic, but I missed the opportunity to get some on field work in front of clinicians. I think part of the problem with the Indy clinic is that some of the officials focus so much on talking about how they do it in their association or thier part of that state, instead of listening to the clinicians.

I was with the white hats and found Julian Tackett to be an excellent source of information. For thse that don't know, this fella is the assistant commisioner for Kentuchy as well as a member of the Federation rules committee. His presence provided some insight behind the 2006 rules changes and what to expect in the will be a cold day in you know where before someone from the IHSAA ever comes to the Indy clinic, let alone take such a prominate role in the clinic.

The major piece of advice I'd give for next year is to charge a few dollars more and provide a boxed lunch. Due to issues with the Courthouse, lunch took over two hours for many...time that I'd have rather spent going over more material. Moreover, being an out-of-stater, it seems like forcing everyone to eat together at the same time and same place makes interaction easier than when its on your own. But this was an excellent clinic and I definately applaude all those that worked to put it together...I hope y'all do it again next year.

[Edited by sloth on Mar 13th, 2006 at 06:54 PM]
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