Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Then...how about a defensive player knocking the ball out of the thrower's hands, as per 10-3-20&AR8? That's a direct "T" in FED. In NCAA, it's an indirect "T", but doesn't the head coach also get charged with indirect "T"?....and.....that indirect "T" charged to the head coach doesn't apply to the 3 needed for buh-bye?
Huh? Huh? [/B]
Does this get charged to the head coach as an indirect under nfhs? I didn't think so, maybe I'm wrong.
What difference does it make to the OP's question if the rules are ncaa or nfhs, as you & nevada posted. [/B][/QUOTE]No, on this play an indirect "T" doesn't get charged to the head coach under NFHS rules. However, under NCAA rules, an indirect "T"
does get charged to the head coach.
Also, under NFHS,
all indirect "T"s charged to a head coach count towards his ejection. But, under NCAA rules, this particular indirect "T" charged to the head coach
doesn't count towards his ejection.
And that's how NFHS and NCAA rules differ....

"nanny nanny boo boo"
Aggravating l'il azzhole, ain't I?