In house leauge play, I threw out a friend of one of the coachs for continually comming onto the court during dead ball periods. I gave him 2 warnings to stay off of the court. After the 2nd warning the "fan" talked back and said he could shoot if he wanted to. Once I ejected the "fan", I heard one of the assistant coaches yell, "That I did not have the authority to do so." I went over to the head coach and told him, if I hear one more word from that assistant he was gone too. The reason I didn't toss the assistant was that this team had 2 assistant coaches and I could not pinpoint which one made the comment.
The reason I keep the court clear of non players is that we are given an hour and ten minutes to get each game over.
Now if it would of been a player from the following game (a non adult) I would of just kept telling them no shooting and leave it at that.