Originally posted by PAT THE REF
1)What is your typical strike mechanic? Some use the NFHS/ASA/ NCAA punched fist *(like an out signal) some still pointÂ…
hammer. i used to be a pointer when i worked the box, and i got in the bad habit of trying to be a big shot and looking to the side when pointing. i use the hammer now, and i like it.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
2)What is your typical strike three (sell) mechanic? punched fist or arm up, punch or other
the old motion where you look like you are tearing a piece of paper in half. i do it straight back from the catchers helmet, rather than how some do it from the side. of course that is only on a looking strike three. if you were talking about selling a third strike not caught or something, a stronger hammer works here.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
3)How do you signal play? (Waive emÂ’ in? point?) Do you verbalize?
point and say 'play' to start an inning. this may be a bad habit, but after a foul ball or something along those lines, i dont verbalize those but i do make sure that i point the ball in. i make sure we are all ready to go, and point it in.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
5)What does your pre-game duties consist of? How long do you wait until you get dressed without a partner? EtcÂ…
go over coverages, partner-to-partner signs (for rotations and such), etc. standard pre-game. as far as getting dressed without a partner, i really dont know since ive never had to do it, but i guess if it was like 15 minutes before the game id suit up for the plate. i am hoping like hell that this never happens.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
6)Tips/Comments on Sunglasses?
oakley m-frames with the hybrid lenses. i used them when i played, i use them when i umpire. i dont wear them off the field though.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
7)Tips/Comments on Mask or Hockey Helmet protector – Left hand removal?
im not going into hockey helmets, but never take off any mask with your right hand. i have it so ingrained in my head that i wont even pick up a mask with my right hand, out of my bag, off a shelf, etc.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
8)Tips/Comments on one ball bag or two?
i like using two, for two reasons. one being that i am usually given 5-6 balls to start, and new ones come in here and there when a ball gets too crappy. 5-6 balls dont fit in a single bag. the second reason is being that i like the look of two bags a lot. even when i work summer ball and stuff where we get like 3 balls, they all fit in one bag but i still use the same system i do for when i have 6 balls. i work out of my right bag all the time. new balls i get go in the left, and i filter them through to the right.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
9)Tips/Comments on how you keep your lineups (do you rewrite them, etcÂ…)
tee has a good system for this that i am going to be checking out this year. traditionally i have just used the sheets given to me at the plate meeting and its gone just fine, but i want to try out tims system and see how it works for me.
Originally posted by PAT THE REF
10)Any additional tidbits?
have a great first season, im sure you will do fine