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Old Tue Mar 07, 2006, 09:53am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: Re: NLump50 Nailed It !

Originally posted by David B
Rich has it exactly right. It used to be an honor to work the varsity. Now its almost a step down in pay.

I schedule our JV and Jr. High games and they get two 90 minute games and get paid $65.

So they are home in 3 hours with $65.

I get to work the varsity game and all I get paid is $50. (could be two hours but could be four hours)

As far as time and money, its more lucrative to work the lower level games.

It still is an honor to work varsity games. Do not let people fool you or try to convince you otherwise. You might have people that complain they do not want to work the post season, but when they get "overlooked" for those assignments these are the biggest group of people complaining they were not picked or give you multiple reasons why they should have. Usually the people that say they do not want to work varsity games either are passed their prime (and they know it) or are not good enough in the first place to work those games. Of course money is a factor, but at some point if that is all you are good for, you will get a reputation for being about that. Funny thing is the guys that only do it for the money do not put on the proper uniforms or behave in the most professional way possible. So it all works out in the end.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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