Sat Mar 04, 2006, 09:39pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 2,716
Originally posted by DG
Last night, in a game with a college age catcher, I was struck twice. Once, directly in the mask and later directly on the inside of my left thigh. Both were fastballs. Today, I have a bit of a stiff neck and a huge bruise on my sore left leg. I coached for 12 years before leaving my dual life as umpire and RAT, and became an umpire only. And, I raised two sons, both catchers. I don't think it is too much to ask for a GOOD catcher to catch a ball in flight, or at least get a glove on it to deflect it. The catcher (same one both times) claimed he was crossed up, was expecting a different pitch and of course I thougth that was a flimsy excuse. Am I delusional? I completely understand getting hit by foul balls and sometimes one in the dirt but is too much to ask for a catcher to catch a ball in flight?
It's obvious that your first assumption was wrong, GOOD Catcher!!!!