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Old Fri Mar 03, 2006, 05:24pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Jimgolf
In addition, just because you are legally justified in using force doesn't mean your association can't discipline you. It may depend on their by-laws or their judgment of what the appropriate action should be.
I know Rocky does not like to hear things about specific areas, but who is going to suspend an official for this in my area? The only body that can "suspend" anyone here is the IHSA. Local official's association has no power to tell everyone to hire you or not hire you. If the game is at the JH level, even the IHSA cannot touch an official for a game that is not in their jurisdiction. I am the Vice-President of a Basketball Division and there is no formal process for us to suspend anyone. We can make an executive board decision to throw someone out of the group, but it holds no assigning power. I also doubt that anyone in my association would have a bug up their behind because an official protected themselves from an obvious attack.

This is really why this conversation is very interesting. People try to make this issue so simple and depending on where you live any reprimand would be minimal or non-existent at best.

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