if you read towards the bottom of the story -- I am shocked --
"her local officials chapter suspended her unborn fetus for 3 games for pushing the assailant back. The unborn fetus was unavaialable for comment but the chapter president was happy to chime in, 'In any situation where an official is threatened of assaulted they are to act proffesional and not escalate any such situation. Our official did a good job of taking her beating like she should have and that is the kind of response that is necessary from all officials we oversee. However her fetus reacting in a negative manner reflects poorly on us as an association and there is no reason for a refree to lay hands on a coach, player or fan.' The fetus however plans to appeal the decision of the local chapter and mom says that the fetus was only reaching for its umbilical cord when its hands struck their assailant."
Wow can you believe this -- what was the fetus thinking? pushing back an assailant. I think they should ban the fetus forever and throw the mom in official prison.