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Old Thu Mar 02, 2006, 12:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,538
I love the self righteousness that comes out on this board. I love guys who say someone has pushed you and we are all supposed to just turn the other cheek and walk away.

All anyone has to do is watch an afternoon court program and you will find that this action as described is clearly self-defense. If someone comes and attacks you with a certain kind of force, you have the right to defend yourself with similar force. The official did not pull out a gun and shoot the coach, he simply pushed him back. Which by the way we do not know if the coach kept coming at the official and the official felt threatened and finally pushed the coach. If the coach pushed the official and started to back up I can understand not having a reaction. If the coach pushed the official and kept coming, I see nothing wrong with that official getting that coach out of their face. It is not about professionalism at this point, it is about self-preservation. It is not my job to take an *** whoppin because someone might think it is unprofessional. I would never advocate a suspension of an official that is attacked and response with a similar action. I am not getting paid thousands of dollars to work these games. Of course where I am working will be a factor on some level because some places have very good security and other places do not. I am not getting paid enough to just sit back and hope I have security to protect me.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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