I'm wondering if some experienced officials would give me their thoughts on pre-game introductions. For example, is it a good idea for me to introduce myself to each coach and let them know that I'm going to hustle and give them my best effort, etc? Or is it better to keep my distance?
It seems to me that a brief introduction would eliminate that adversarial barrier and help remind the coach that I'm a human being, just like him, doing the best job I can.
What about planting a seed by saying that I'm more than happy to discuss things with them when necessary, but I won't respond to yelling or screaming. Or is it better to wait and say "coach, I'll gladly talk to you about that but you'll have to stop yelling first" when it happens?
Is it proper to let them know I intend to keep the game under control right from the tip, or is that a given?