I whack the coach and depending on the reaction of the fan after I tell him/her to go back to his/her seat decides whether they get to finish watching the game or they get to hear about it when everybody comes out to the parking lot to leave. I also tell the coach not to even come close to talking to my scorer's table again, and I emphasize MY scoring table as to say, "They are with me, and if you mess with them you are messing with me!"
I had a similar sitch almost a year ago in our YBOA state tournament. coach doesn't believe his best player has 3 fouls instead of two and starts saying that it is wrong, and I tell him that is what we have in the official book and that is what we are going with (this is at halftime). Well the 3rd qtr. starts and he persists so I whack him, then just a couple of minutes later my partner whacks him, and he refuses to leave. Well we eventually get him out of there, but it was not pretty.
I guess the moral of the story is don't let coaches harass your table members. Take care of it at once.