Wed Mar 01, 2006, 11:15pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 508
Originally posted by WooPigSooie
Saw a very odd situation in a very small school playoff game the other night and wanted to get some opinions.
Team A, who is a favorite to go to and possibly win the state tourny, is down by ten points about halfway through the fourth. Team A coach has already been whacked once. The officials, even though the coach was still riding them HARD, were making every attempt not to whack him again for the ejection.
Team A coach calls a timeout for the SOLE purpose of arguing a call. The calling official keeps his composure as they are discussing this near midcourt. Team A coach does not like the explanation and loses it. Whack! Ejected. As soon as the T is called, the coach pushes the official. The official pushes him back. By that time, the other official has stepped between.
When, if ever, is an official allowed to lose that sense of professionalism? I think if blatant bodily contact is made by a coach FIRST, then the official has the right to defend him or herself. Then again, I am not sure. There is definately a grey area, IMO. Opine if you have ever been in this situation or have a thought regarding it. I am interested in knowing what actions would be taken by different state assoc. against the official, if any.
For the record, three days after the incident, the State Department of Education suspended the teaching license of the coach for one year. Personally, I think making a scene like that in the presence of children and young adults should warrant a stiffer penalty, but whatever...
To stay cool, try to focus on how much fun it will be to file assault charges against the guy.
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