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Old Wed Mar 01, 2006, 03:10am
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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Originally posted by Grail
Originally posted by SamIAm
When it goes over the backboard.
The top of the backboard is not OOB. However sometimes the ball contacts part of the basket/backboard support structure near the top and is OOB due to that contact. Same contact can happen with a shot clock mounted near the top of the backboard.
Unless it is a Fan-Shaped backboard. The top of that board is OOB.
The difference between fan-shaped and rectangular backboards (aside from the shape, obviously) is that the ball is not OOB if it passes over a fan-shaped backboard.

I have yet to find any reason for this rule, BTW. Does anybody know why this difference exists?
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