Wed Mar 01, 2006, 02:22am
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: MST
Posts: 27,190
Originally posted by SeanFitzRef
How about when two players are going for a loose ball at mid-court? BV: A4 and B3 both homing in on the ball; B3 a little quicker. Violent collision at midcourt, everyone in the gym can see it, but B3 nor A4 did anything illegal to gain control of the ball. B3 comes up with the ball and scores, and Team A coach is screaming for a foul.
"Incidental contact, coach. They both have a right to the ball."
Exact same scenario as above, but instead of two 17-18 year olds, two 9 year olds. Same play, same collision, A4 ends up with a concussion.
"Incidental contact, coach. They both have a right to the ball."
The level of contact allowed among high school players is considerably higher than the contact allowed with elementary players. I'm more likely to call something here to keep control of the younger players.
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