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Old Tue Feb 28, 2006, 02:28pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally posted by mplagrow
What if B1 is clearly behind A1, and A1 is going for a loose ball. If B1, in going for the ball, nails A1 from behind, is it considered loose-ball and unintentional? Both players have a right to the ball? Or should position be considered?
MPLagrow: What would your answer be if instead of saying "going for a loose ball, you say "going for a rebound"?

In your scenario, A1 has favorable position, and the severe contact initiated by B1 puts A1 at a disadvantage.

There are players out there, especially in Adult Rec Leagues where I officiate, who think "loose-ball" situations are license to wallop an opponent in an "attempt" to get to the ball.
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