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Old Tue Feb 28, 2006, 05:57am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Rick82358
Sam, That last response really cleared it up????
I do not have my book here but this is the best way to describe it I can think of
Rectangular backboard - if the ball rolls along the top of the back board and does not come in contact with any any support or timing device mounted on the back board and falls either down on the rim side of the board and or either end to the right or left of the basket it is NOT OOB, and remains a live ball.
If the ball comes incontact with a recessed timeing device - or support structure on the top of the back board or goes over the back board (rectangular) it is OOB and becomes a dead ball.
Assuming that it came from the front side in the first place, right? What if it came from the back side?

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