If Im working two man I pretty much only watch 2B .. If Im in 1 man I kinda switch my set position to give me an angle depending on where they are - but its not always easy to see conclusively - to this I blame the org not using at least two umpires. I think in 1 man you can only tell if its pretty blatant.
In either case.. you have to watch both otherwise it would be impossible to tell. You only have to watch the runner until the pitch leaves it.. and only for a brief second during the pitch rotation.. once the pitch leaves the hand theres other things to watch (like foul/check swing whatever)
So I kinda stand where I'll be able to quickly look at the runner during the actual pitch and then I pay attention to whatever is happening.
Kinda hard to explain as things are simultaneous - Also things can add to the confusion, like some runners stand with the back foot behind the base so they are moving during the pitch but havent actually left the base until the pitch (this also sometimes causes cries of she left early when she didnt).. you have to multi task and watch both.
I'm sure I confused you worse in your quest for advice ...