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Old Sun Feb 26, 2006, 06:21pm
psycho_ref psycho_ref is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 39
Good post. I think the keyword you are looking for is "intentionally". "b) While a try or tap is in flight or is touching the backboard or is in the basket or in the cylinder above the basket, 'INTENTIONALLY' slap or strike the backboard or cause the ring to vibrate."

If the players 'intent' is to slap the backboard then he has broken the rule. If the players 'intent' is to block the shot and he just so happens to 'incidentally' slap the backboard, then it should be ignored. Hope this makes it clearer for him.

Notice in the coaches reply he said "Article 5 Part B state A player shall not *** strike the backboard or cause the ring to vibrate?", and forgot to quote the most important word "intentionally". LOL. That's funny.

Hope this helps.

Ok. Afterthought. I see what he is getting it. I think he is putting the emphasis on "..or cause the rim to vibrate" as a separate act. Maybe the rule SHOULD read "b) While a try or tap is in flight or is touching the backboard or is in the basket or in the cylinder above the basket, intentionally slap or strike the backboard 'AND' cause the ring to vibrate."

Does that make sense?

I guess the rules don't address slapping the backboard due to a legitimate block attempt and causing the rim to vibrate. What if it's just a soft rim and shakes due to a legitimate block attempt and the ball bounces out due to the shaking. Should the defender be penalized with a T or should the offensive player be penalized because its a soft rim.

[Edited by psycho_ref on Feb 26th, 2006 at 06:42 PM]
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
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