Sat Feb 25, 2006, 02:25pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 35
No One Has Answered This Aspect...
Originally posted by IdahoRef
After a night's rest, I wake up this morning and read a few posts and I must ask the question (please remember I'm just a new official seeking to be one who calls a good and fair game), if you do not call freethrow lane violations, then do you guys pass on calling some OOB violations?
I agree that there is no "advantage" having one's foot a 1/4 inch over the FT line. THEN do I no call when someone steps OOB by a 1/4 inch? (I see no advantage by a player getting away with this, but I have always called ALL OOB violations)
Am I making a mole hill a mountain?
I WANT NO PART in being a guy looking for the "letter of the law" violations. I want to serve both the kids, coaches, and parents and do a great job of officiating. ARE YOU GUYS TELLING ME ONE SHOULD NEVER CALL THIS VIOLATION? I appreciate you helping me get better. Thanks!
"Quit trying to win... just BE a winner."