Originally posted by PWL
Originally posted by BigUmp56
Is the Evans balk video available for purchase on-line?
That resource should help PWL get a better understanding of how to see and call a balk.
I guess this is route I'll have to take.
I was really looking forward to the balk clinic you and your "good buddy" WJR were going to give.
What's harder to find than a needle in a haystack?
A spot on Tee's butt BigUmp56 hasn't kissed.
Hey, you know something? Tim was really trying to help you. He wasn't insulting you. That is all anyone ever tried to do was help you learn how to umpire better. Please don't say that you don't need the help, because based on certain things you say, it is glaringly obvious that you do. Nobody is putting you down (well, maybe some are, but Tim wasn't), so take the chip down off your shoulder.