Thread: Timeout
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Old Tue Dec 11, 2001, 11:19am
Rev.Ref63 Rev.Ref63 is offline
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I know what you're saying. I, too, am a second year man. I approach each and every game with the intent of improving my mechanics etc... How discouraging it is to find out you're calling the game with a "veteran" who just doesn't care anymore. On the flip side, how encouraging it is to work with someone who loves what their doing and is willing to help us rookies improve. The veterans need to realize that if they train us properly by setting a good example, (and trust me, we are watching)that makes their job a whole lot easier the next time they call with us. My hat goes off to "devdog" for being a true professional and helping me on my game. Thanks friend.

P.S. If you ask a veteran for advise, it would be wise to follow the advise he gives you.(Assuming it's correct advise) Otherwise, he may not be as free with the advise next time.
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