Thread: Timeout
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Old Tue Dec 11, 2001, 10:07am
Rookie Rookie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 116
I had a partner last night who game up to me during half time to dispute a call I made. Team B received an intentional foul, after team A shot (and missed) their two free throws Team B called a 30 second time out. My partner then explained to me that they shouldn't have received the time out becuase they had time to talk during the free throws. I said they called a legit time out and they get it. He then proceeded to tell me that you can administer free throws during a time out, but I pointed out that one team would only have four players, and he then pointed out to me that one team would missing only one player? WTF?

Bottom line, can a team call a time out after the free throws and prior to the throw in on a technical foul?

On a side note, this is my second year, and I really want to move up the varsity level, and I am getting really fustrated with partners who don't want to do a pre-grame, talk with the coaches. This guy even said that he didn't want to get the captains together becuase they here the same thing every game, I told him I think we should talk to them, he then went on a 10 tirade about every imaginable rule. I am getting bad habits by working with partners who don't care about the administration of a game, and I am trying hard to do what I have to do. /rant over
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