Originally posted by mplagrow
Originally posted by Snaqwells
What is it about the arm contact that is illegal? Where's the advantage? Is there something magic about reaching that makes all contact a foul?
Let me get this right. Are you saying that if B1 has LGP, reaches for the ball, clubs A1 across the arm but doesn't get the ball out, you've got nothing because there was no advantage? I just want to understand what you're saying.
"Clubs?" No, If he hits him that hard, he's probably moved his arm significantly. Or, as they say, this becomes one of the obvious you need to call.

I'm talking about a slight brush as B1 reaches across or from behind. SamIAm wants to call it if there's any contact whatsoever. I want to know why contact on a reach is more of a foul than contact in any other situation.