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Old Fri Feb 24, 2006, 09:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by CA BBall Ref
Last night boy's playoff game as the lead, ball comes to me from across the paint. As player A begins to go up with a reverse layup ball is held by the player B. Player A looses the ball and it goes to the floor. Player A attempts to gather ball when my partner from trail call a held ball. I go to him and tell him that the ball had come loose and there was no held ball. I went to the arrow much to the chagrin of coach A as the arrow pointed to team B. They proceeded to hit a 3 just before the half because of this. My partner wanted to use P.O.I. rules but I felt because the ball was not in control at the time he blew the whistle I had to go to the arrow. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated.
I'm a little confused by the situation, but I don't see where Team A lost TC. If it was an inadvertant whistle, then Team A should have had the ball for a throw-in.

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