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Old Thu Feb 23, 2006, 05:39pm
SamIAm SamIAm is offline
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Originally posted by rockyroad
Originally posted by SamIAm
It is a foul in this sitch. almost every time. It is a huge advantage for the defense to reach/swing/swipe at the ball without penalty for contacting the arms.

So you're going to call a foul on the defender even tho they didn't contact the ball handler - remeber it was the ball handler who clamped down on the defender's arm.

What do you report to the table? Hold on the defender? But they weren't doing the holding, were they?

What do you tell the coach? "Coach, if he didn't stick his arm in there it wouldn't have been held?"

I am confused...again. (JR- shut up)
Yes I am in this situation, it fits the definition of a foul. Any "reach" that I can judge arm to arm contact is a foul unless it is a loose ball.
I don't know how you manage a game, but I don't tell the coach anything in that sitch. The foul occurred before the hold, A1 just held it there (without grasping with his hand according to the sitch) to make it easier for the official to see.

Same sitch except A1 lowers his head and gets poked in the eye by a thumb. You gonna no-call that. Contact is just as incidental.

The Offense has no need to avoid the contact in this situation and the defense must insure there is no contact to avoid liability of a foul.

I'll get to your post later Rainmaker.
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)
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