Originally posted by HawkeyeCubP
I'm sold. Thanks Nevada. It makes sense to think of it as being the same as the center restraining circle, as in 1-3-1, with the line being part of the circle, or semicircle.
I couldn't understand Nevada's gobbdleygook above, which isn't that unusual.

However.....if he's saying that it's not a violation for the FT shooter to step
on the free throw line, then he's completely wrong.
NFHS rule 1-6 says that the free throw line is 2 inches wide,and is parallel to the end line with it's
farthest edge being 15 feet from the plane of the backboard.
The free-throw lane line and the semi-circle are also defined in rule 1-5-1. They are defined in that rule as being separate entities.
Rule 9-1-7 says that it's a violation to have either foot beyond the vertical plane of the
edge of the free-throw line which is farther from the basket or the free-throw semicircle line".
As R1-6 says that the farthest edge of the free-throw line is
always 15' from the plane of the backboard and is
always parallel to the end line, then R9-1-7 is simply saying it's a violation to step over any part of that farthest, parallel edge of the free-throw line.
However, if Nevada isn't saying that, nevermind......