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Old Wed Feb 22, 2006, 11:05pm
Stat-Man Stat-Man is offline
Statistician/Ref Hybrid
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,044
In the men's game last night (NCAA-M), the second half turned into a whinefest. The reason: The team foul count was Guests 7, Home 0 at one point and changed to 7-1 in the final minute of the game. (But the foul that was called against the home team was a very obvious one, so it wasn't called as a so-called "make up").

The visiting men's coach, who for most of game yelled at his team for their inconsistent performance, quickly focused on the referres for the remainder of the game once he saw the 7-0 team foul count. He even tried to jaw at our men's coach, at one point mentioning something like "You're getting all the calls." To his credit, our coach ignored him.

After the final buzzer, visiting coach now makes a production out of getting the referee's names and so does his scorekeeper, who circled the names on the final boxscore in a big red circle.

But I guess when your team is 4-19, the head coach has been fired and you're the interim coach, blaming officials is that much easier (albeit misguided). =P

[Edited by Stat-Man on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 11:08 PM]
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The center of attention as the lead & trail. – me
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