The response that I tend to use is pretty simple and straight-forward: "Coach, your team has to stop fouling."
I worked a game recently where the visiting coach complained at half-time that the home team was fouling on every possession......the foul count was H - 8 and V - 3!
In the same game the home team coach complained about the foul shot disparity - Visitors 33-48 and Home 22-27. After reviewing the game tape, the Visitors got the ball into the lane on 25 of 44 possessions in the 2nd half/OT as compared to the Home team - 11 out of 50 possessions.
Generally speaking, the team that gets to the FT line is the team that aggressively attacks the basket and creates more opportunities. By the way, I believe the NCAA did a study several years ago that showed that the team who shot more FT's won the game 75% of the time.