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Old Wed Feb 22, 2006, 08:23am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
Fav theme: Roundball Rock
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
Posts: 8,558
I do not think that we should ever decide that a player is not injured. (Well, you can decide that a player isn't really injured, but keep it to yourself!) If a kid tells you he is injured, he is injured.

Good idea not to emphasize that #15 has two shots. after the timeout, just follow your normal mechanics. I see nothing wrong with verbalizing that #15 has two shots, without any emphasis.

Saying, "I'm not sure that #15 is really hurt, butI'll take your word for it coach" will do nothing to improve the situation or game. Ergo, don't do it.

I also would not threaten to send a tape to the state office.

Having said all this, with a kid appearing to have received a bump well out of his comfort zone, I've used some lines like, "That was a pretty athletic play you just did. You have two shots coming..." It usually works - they get up to their feet quickly.
Pope Francis
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