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Old Wed Feb 22, 2006, 08:14am
All_Heart All_Heart is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 518
Has anyone ever had a player fake an injury in order to avoid free throws?

I had a situation where the game was tied with 20 seconds left. A1 was on the line shooting 2 free throws. A1 missed both free throws. Team B got the ball and turned it over. the ball ended up in A1's hands and he was fouled again (not hard at all). As the player is going to the free throw line he starts leaning over saying that he's hurt. His teammates and the coach start saying that he's injured. Team B's coach is saying that he's faking.

What do you do?

Team A called a timeout and I was going to go to the Team A's coach and tell him that "#15 IS shooting 2 free throws!!" very loud and strong. If he then persisted I figured I could tell him that "I'm not sure that #15 is truely hurt but I'll take your word coach. Although I will be sending a tape to the state and let them decide."

Does this sound like a good way to handle this situation.

By the way the player came out and shot the free throws, made both and he looked just fine.
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