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Old Mon Dec 10, 2001, 10:36am
ScottParks ScottParks is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 285
Freshman tournament last weekend.
1st game, offensive player climbs the back of the opponent to get a rebound, I blow the whistle, tell him he fouled and report a push on B22. B coach, at the next timeout, asks if there is an over the back penalty - I say nope, he says then his guy didn't push to get the rebound, just went over his back and why did I call a push.

Next game, visitors are pressing helter skelter all over the court. Whack on the forearm of the dribbler. I blow my whistle and report illegal contact. Coach says the hand is part of the ball. So I agree with him..... point to my hand and say "ball", point to my arm and say "foul".

Twice in the tourney, we have a missed airball rebounded by the shooter. Defensive teams, stands, etc. and coach goes nuts. "He can't do that" I said sure he can, shot attempt, no team control, anybody can get it. His response, "you've never played the game, have you"... I said it's in the rule and case book and asked if he'd read it. He said "I wouldn't be a coach if I hadn't".... so I said "You must have missed that part"

And finally, from the fans in the stands, in consecutive possessions "Cmon ref, they're just HS kid, let em play"... "Cmon ref, call the hand checks".... "Cmon ref, how's that a violation"..... Partner whistle "Finally, a good call on the floor"
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