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Old Sun Feb 19, 2006, 03:32pm
SAump SAump is offline
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Exclamation Hook Line and Sinker

You're getting twisted about my alleged misinterpretation of the rule book. Please step off my neck with your pivot foot first or I call a BALK. Habitual is NOT MY word, its the FED word and I told you were to find it. If you don't understand it and you continue to get a RISE out of it, then you can't imagine how to enfore the BALK/Ball rule. Address my simple explanations and stop twisting my words around. It's plain and simple for all to understand.

DG and D-man misled most of you with their legal delivery is not illegal posts. If you read my posts, I never used the words overhand, 3/4ers, submarine, or slide-step. I never said a pitcher could not change these delivery methods. I used the words consistent with motion and mechanics. I gave two official interpretations that comply with the BALK rules now in place in the NFHS rulebook. I clearly stated what I meant and most of you clearly misinterpreted my simple explanation.

But you want to continue the follwing argument anyway. Stop and READ it. A good pitching coach recognizes good mechanics. While taking the signals, the pitcher on the mound begins to turn his shoulder/arm in complete rotations before releasing the ball in any manner described above. Everyone know that he was only loosening up his shoulder before the real pitch. But he's not allowed to do it while standing on the pitcher's plate. BALK.

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