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Old Sun Dec 09, 2001, 09:18pm
Oz Referee Oz Referee is offline
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Re: Oz & Paulis, I can understand this at rec level..

Originally posted by Self
But HS basketball especially Varsity level all should be call consistantly. Actually all levels from MS - HS should be called the same as far as the rules. You have alot on the line at these games and while I can appreciate the love of the game and it is for the kids. The lasr thing I want is to be calling with someone who has a great feel for the game and says just use common sense. All the rules are not just common sense and if we don't all follow the same rules then we make ourselves less professional. That is not to say a feel for the game or common sense is not an important part of the game. Just you can't eliminate the rules. When we become incosistent with each other, we are the ones hurting the game.

I agree all situation cannot be spelled out exactly in the books, but enough language is provided for you to interpret most all situations. If not then new cases need to be added. This may be one of them.
I agree that games need to be called consistently, and I would hope that most referees have a consistent idea of "common sense". I also agree that not all the rules are common sense - but this is a situation which is not specifically addressed by the rules.

I was not arguing that a referee should have less knowledge about the rules, and more "feel" for the game. Simply that, as far as I am concerned, and "good" referee should have an adequate understanding of the game to be able to make a fair judgement for any situation that is not specifically covered. This is where common sense becomes involved.

Finally, thanks Paulis - I would much prefer to sare a court with you, then say Mark snr.
Duane Galle
P.s. I'm a FIBA referee - so all my posts are metric

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