OK Wade - it is a bit of a trick question because I am quoting an obscure rule that most us probably never heard of.
Change my play a bit, and not have R1 stealing home on the pitch, and lets assume the ball is hit to F4. She has no play at home so she gets the out at first. Now we have clasic CO and you offer the O-coach the option of play or penalty.
BUT - we are quoting ASA 8.1.D.4b or NFHS 8.1.1.e - which is a unique rule applying only to a squeeze or steal home play. IF the batter is obstructed, the penalty is immediate dead ball, award home to R1, and send B2 to 1B. That is supported by ASA casebook 8.1-24.
However, the NFHS casebook play, which you found, is obviously wrong. It is not treated the same as normal CO.