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Old Thu Feb 16, 2006, 09:37am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by biz

All that has to happen to end the constant fouling at the end of games is better free throw shooting...nuf said!
So what's easier, making 2 FTs or a three point shot? Average FT% sixty something. Average 3pt % thirty something.

The addition of the 3pt shot greatly enhanced the strategy of fouling at the end of a game. The most that your team can give up is two points, but you will have a chance for 3 at the other end.

Prior to the three point shot a team could be assured of maintaining its lead if it made its FTs. Now the team could make ALL of its FTs and see the opponent erase its lead with a few treys.

The risk/reward ratio is clearly better today than in the past.

Perhaps a third FT should be considered. 1-1 at 7, 2 at 10, 3 at 12 team fouls or more.
We could use the terms: bonus, double bonus, and super bonus (or triple bonus).

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