The good thing about most game tapes you get from schools is that they stop the camera at each whistle. So you can watch a single game 5-8 times in an evening. The bad thing about most game tapes you get from schools is that they stop the camera at each whistle, so you never get to see what you really look like at the table.
I sit down with the remote, a pad of paper and a pen. I start watching, and I start writing. Everything I see that needs fixed, improved or polished gets noted. I'll watch it literally 5-8 times, until I don't get anything more out of watching it. Then I prioritize my list. I start with the things that need fixing the most, down to the things that need fixing the least. And I begin working on them.
However, you'll only pick up things that you are capable of spotting yourself. So if you can get a more experienced, knowlegable official to watch it with you at some point, he/she may have additional things for you too.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming