Here are the things I would look at on the tape:
1) Mechanics - Does everything look crisp and are you signalling with strength? Do you look like you know what you're doing?
2) Floor Presence - Do you lean on one foot when you stand, are you leaning to see better when you should be moving, do you run athletically? Are your movements determined?
3) Positioning - Does it look like you were in the best position to make the call or could you have been somewhere else?
4) Calls - Are there any calls that looks like you may have missed, should have made, incorrectly ruled on? Goes back to positioning. You won't be able to do this all the time since you don't have multiple angles.
5) Anything Weird - Are you doing anything wierd on the court that you need to change?
Those are the main things that I could think of with a short description.