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Old Sun Dec 09, 2001, 08:37am
Self Self is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 130
Ga. IAABO Interpreter agree violation

The Ga. rule interpreter for IAABO Dean Erickson also agrees it is a violation. Sectretary of IAABO Ray McClure of and proclaimed "rules expert", Ray does rules clinics throughout the Southeast. He also agrees with it being violation. He did say that there is nothing, as we know, that discusses this directly. That at first thought he agreed with 5 second violation, but since A1 has No intent on going out of bounds an immediate violation can be called since A1 is attempting an illegal throw-in. Illegal because the basic fundimental rule of the thwow-in is being out of bounds.I did not show them the answers given by other parties, so to not sway their decision. They quoted the same rules as stated above.

Also I asked them regarding the technical and the only reasoning is it could be deemed making an atrocity of he game, deemed "no attempt to follow the guidelines of the rules".

I heard back from Referee Magazine, and was told they would try and put this in a future issue. I have emailed a couple of other people with NFHS to see there response and hope to hear back this week. I will let yall know.
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