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Old Tue Feb 14, 2006, 01:17pm
Junker Junker is offline
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Originally posted by bradfordwilkins
Something I've learned in my brief tenure as a referee is its usually not your place to be making explanations about your parnter's call. In this case, it may seem harmless enough but it can only get you into trouble down the line I think. Even if the player is polite about it, you don't know exactly what your partner saw 95% of the time. Why was an intentional called? With a smile, Because my partner made the call.
I disagree with this. If a player asks you a question appropriately, answer it. When this happens, I will say that I didn't see the entire play because it wasn't my area, but this is what I think happened. Explaining a rule is great as well. I'm guessing, though, that in most cases if your partner calls an intentional foul, you have a pretty good idea why it was called. If your not sure, you can always tell them to ask your partner when they get a chance.
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