Thanks for all the input so far. Its been good information. However as the season heads towards an end I doubt this player, who is slated to go to the draft next year, will be dismissed. Dismissal of this player now would ruin NCAA chances.
After further researching I know the head coach did talk to the parent about 4 games ago, he stayed away for one game, but his actions have grown increasingly more aggressive, especially towards officials when his son doesn't get a call or gets a foul called on him. He has even yelled at players on the team for not passing the ball to his son.
I'm not to worried about him screaming from the stands, obnoxious behavior of that nature in a 12000 seat arena is not always something that is controllable. But I'd rather him be doing it from 10 rows up then pacing the sideline yelling at the referee or stepping onto the court. However, his attempts to interact with players on the court, not to mention abuse of the referee's is becoming questionable.
You are right that game management crew has been less than strict if a fan can make it onto the court to the team huddle without being stopped. One of the issues I'm going to bring up. We all know what happened with Players going into the stands in the NBA. We don't need fans on the court, period. Many of us worry that this could escalate, and the possible safety of officials and players may be at risk. Thus we are pressing the issue to the AD this week to make all reasonable efforts to ensure the safety of everyone invovled.