I see a problem here...
2006 Interpretation #2 States:
S1 comes in to pitch for the starting pitcher. As S1 begins his warm-up pitches, the opposing coach complains that his red and blue glove is illegal and must be removed. RULING: The glove is legal as long as it does not contain the colors white and/or gray. If the plate umpire determines that the glove is distracting, the pitcher would be required to change it. (1-3-6, 6-2-1h)
Rule 1-3-6 States: ..."The Glove/Mitt worn by the Pitcher shall be UNIFORM in color"...
Rule 6-2-1h States:...Illegal acts include: "h) wearing a glove/mitt that is white, gray or MULTI-COLORED ."
So everywhere in the rule book, quoted in the interpretation, says a MULTI-COLORED Glove is ILLEGAL !
Yet the interpretation says a Red & Blue glove is Legal ???? Last time I checked, a Red & Blue glove was multi-colored. i.e., two colors. I believe 2 qualifies for MULTI, and does not qualify as UNIFORM.
So, since Test Questions 1 & 3 deal directly with the Multi-Colored glove issue, and since the Interpretation is in direct conflict with the Rules, how do you answer ?
Based on the Rules, or based on the Interpretation ?
Did I ever tell you the NFHS Rules Committe is less than capable of doing it's job ? Well, it is ! They should try reading the rules, prior to writing an interpretation. Or better yet, change the rule so you don't need an interpretation. Or even, just simply follow the rules as written. Whoa...What a concept !
Have Great Games !