I'm a high school coach as well as a booster and fan of NCAA basketball, specifically San Diego state. We have a situation, not unlike what I see at the high school level with a parent and his child. I'm not sure if there are rules pertaining to this, but I figured what the hey, I need all the ammo I can get when I sit down with the athletic director this week.
This is your usual obnoxiuos parent, regularly leaves his seat 10 rows up to come down to the court side to yell at the referee's. During a dead ball situation he actually came onto the court to talk to his son (not onto the playing area but onto the floor). Twice a member of his family came out of the stands during a time out and made it to the huddle to speak to this player. This parent hass many times talked to his child during 'free' situations as well as other players.
Now it would seem that our head coach has not or hasn't been effective in reducing this behavior, but as the season has progressed it has gotten significantly worse. Many of the booster's dislike how it looks, especially when him having a conversation with his son made ESPN, fortunately no one address the issue in the media. Many fear that his behavior is going to get worse.
My questions is, in the NCAA or even in the MWC is there a rule about fan interaction with players during the course of an athletic event? Are things of this nature bordering on bringing penalties to our team?
Thanks in Advance