Originally posted by BigUmp56
If you weren't implying that race and social status entered into the equation, then what did you mean when you said my disdain for not calling a balk was because I umpired only rich white kids?
This was my position.
Originally posted by BigUmp56
For J/V and Frosh games we call the balks. These players have all had at least one or two years on the big diamond and should know how to play the game.
This was your reply.
Originally posted by PWL
I guess every kid you umpire grows up in white suburbia America with parents who shell out dollars so their son can play on the best team. Get the best coaching. You assume too much. How much pitching experience do they have? Are they too excited? How much coaching have they had?
Your statement is absurd. What do you expect an umpire to do? Interview each pitcher as he takes the mound on what his past coaching has been.
I can hear you at the mound.
"Son, how much pitching experience have you had?"
"If you're nervous I'll be a little lenient on you when it comes to balks."
"Have you had good pitching coaches before?"
If there are thing's that should be taken into consideration that aren't as ridiculous as what you mentioned on why to not call a balk when you see it, I would love to hear them.
[Edited by BigUmp56 on Feb 8th, 2006 at 03:49 PM]
Tim, don't take this the wrong way, but why do you let this guy get to you? He knows how to push your button and you fall for it every time???????????
Most of the posts here are you two going at each others throat. I hope you both handle your games more professional than you handle your posts. (Shaking my head)