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Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 09:27am
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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There's no way you can retroactively call B2 out, and rule a 1-0 count on B3. What if B3 had hit the ball. All actions by both teams would be based on an assumption regarding the number of outs - you can't go back and add an out.

B2 is allowed to go to the dugout during an at bat (perhaps she wanted a new helmet, bat, etc) - there's no abandonment here.

B2 can even be substituted for during an at bat. If B2 had actually been the wrong batter, and B3 the correct batter, offense can switch them with a 3-0 count without penalty.

So you have no grounds for an out on many levels. What you have is B3 completing this at-bat, and doing so out of order. Apply the BOO rules just as if B3 had taken all 4 pitches of this at bat. B2 is out for not batting, B3 is sent back to the plate with a 0-0 count, R1 is still on 2nd.

(Edited to correct player numbers)

[Edited by mcrowder on Feb 8th, 2006 at 11:10 AM]
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