Re: You need to read EUMPIRE
Originally posted by His High Holiness
Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Jim Porter
Originally posted by PeteBooth
If I may make a shameless promotion of my articles,
You need to read my multipart series on eumpire entitled:
What does an assignor want?
It lists eight items that an assignor is looking for when he gives away a good game. It list those items in the order of importance to an assignor. The first three and one half items have nothing to do with umpiring and everything to do with being a good employee.
It's like that everywhere, not just in umpiring. Employers are looking for reliable, available individuals that add to the bottom line. Competence is on their radar screen but it is of secondary importance.
Peter Thanks, perhaps after the Holdiays are over and my credit cards are not maxed I will join and read the various articles.
I understand an assignor's dilema as I assigned for my local LL association for 4 years. The problem in HS is the start times.
I guess the real answer is that there should be a certification for Summer / Fall Ball for those quality umpires that can't commit without any degree of reliability to a full HS schedule.
As I mentioned my main reason for getting my HS certification was because of the Summer / Fall Ball programs where the contracts require umpires to be at least HS certified in order to work. There is plenty of ball in the Summer / Fall. Also, as we say in the business those FEES go South if you know what I mean.
Thanks for the info
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth