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Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 12:00am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally posted by hooper
I believe this is probably the only group where you can argue that people need to be paid more and get benefits, and the people will argue with you about it!

We're nowhere NEAR the point where "we agree that the officials are at the highest peak humanly possible." We're FAR from that. Once we get there, we can have the discussion about what to do, but in the meantime, let's fix what's broken!

Frankly, in most professional positions, if you erred as often and as severely as the NFL officials have this year, you would be fired. Modify the rules, make the positions full-time and pay what is owed, revise the re-play personnel and procedures, add more officials per game, increase the number of camera angles for use by the officals, something, anything!
Paying officials on a full time basis is not going to make people want to officiate at the NFL level any more than the officials already do. If you are not aware the officials make enough money officiating that they can live off of that salary. In the off season NFL officials do the same thing that other pro sports officials do. They attend camps, meetings and required functions by the league to continue training and philosophies.

As I have stated before, I belong to an association that has 3 current NFL officials as members. They attend meetings every year and teach things at clinics. They show NFL tapes and share the philosophy. The hold that was called on Seattle I have seen multiple times with actually NFL Officiating tape footage. Mike Perriera (sp?) even talked about officials watching for break away players and those blocks need to be paid attention to.

The media is the problem, the officials are fine.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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