whistleman, you're forgetting one important part of the equation - the coach is supposed to know who they have subbed in and out of the game. Once the coach requested the sub and #8 entered the sub zone, she had to enter the game. When #5 came over to the sideline showing herself to be the player subbing out for #8, at that point we have Unnecessary Delay occurring (since #8 was already subbing in and out for #18 during that same game and I am guessing that #5 did not sub into the game for #18).
So, once again, it comes down to whether the team had a time-out available or not. From your later posts, I can only infer that they did not have a time-out available since you have not indicated otherwise. Any way that you slice it, without a time-out available to be called as a penalty due to the Unnecessary Delay, you are going to award Match Point to the opponent per 11-2-Penalty 2.
In this situation, there is no way out of awarding the penalty point if the team does not have a time-out available (and neither ignorance of the rules nor not wanting to end the match on a call like this is an excuse).
Big Toe - good point about the-call-that-was-let-go. I know that many of us have experienced the same thing where that call that we ignored because the team was so far behind came back to bite us BIGTIME!
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)