Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Jim Porter
Originally posted by PeteBooth
Jim, the point I'm getting at with all of this is: I am not going to cause my assignor any inconvenience concerning things under my direct control It's not like I'm calling up the assignor and saying "Hey Joe I can't do the game for you tomorrow because a bunch of us are going to the track".
Family and work problems are sometimes out of my control and if you are asking me to choose a game assignment over Family and work well that IMO makes me flabbergasted.
I am in 2 associations. I am thinking of dropping one this year. One association gives me the flexibility I need. For every game I turn back I give them another in return. In other words, I work with them and they work with me.
The other association I belong to runs like yours does. If you don't give them a week's notice, you get a black mark next to your name.
Pete Booth
If I may make a shameless promotion of my articles,
You need to read my multipart series on eumpire entitled:
What does an assignor want?
It lists eight items that an assignor is looking for when he gives away a good game. It list those items in the order of importance to an assignor. The first three and one half items have nothing to do with umpiring and everything to do with being a good employee.
It's like that everywhere, not just in umpiring. Employers are looking for reliable, available individuals that add to the bottom line. Competence is on their radar screen but it is of secondary importance.