Tue Feb 07, 2006, 01:49pm
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by SmokeEater
Originally posted by BktBallRef
The T shouldn't have been called. They screwed up.
How can you be so sure unless you were right there and seen and heard what the Officials did? I reserve judgement until such time as I am in the same position as this crew.
2 reasons.
#1, John Clougherty would not have taken the action that he did if both players deserved a T.
#2, Because I saw the game on TV and I've talked to people close to the situation.
The FSU deserved the intentional foul. He did not seserve the T. He didn't say anything or do anything to get a T. The officials made a mistake. They went with offsetting technical fouls, thinking that was the best way to handle it. But they didn't realize that Johnson now has 5 fouls.
Whether YOU have ever been in the same situation or not has absolutely zero to do with my opinion, and evidently the opinion of the ACC office, that they screwed up. [/B]
Would the officials have been suspended if this was the player's 3rd foul? Or 4th foul?