whistleman wrote:
NFHS Rules
substitutions 8 for 18 throughtout the set. at match point coach subs 8 for 5. Umpire allows substitution - then realizes it is an illegal substitution. Calls it - for match point. There was no serve. What do you do as the up referee?
I reluctantly allowed it - as it was not a close game. I talked to the down ref and score keeper and said - you all have to catch that right away and just not allow the substitution.
The key question here is did the offending team have a time-out remaining? It is an unnecessary delay when an illegal sub attempts to enter or is found in the game (see Rule 10-3-7-c-4 and 10-3 Penalties).
If the team had a time-out remaining - you (as the Referee) blow your whistle, signal Unnecessary Delay (signal 22) followed by Time-Out (signal 21a) - the offending team is charged with an Unneccesary Delay Time-out, #8 is removed and #5 returns to the line-up and the match continues following the time-out.
If, however, the offending team has used all of their time-outs prior to this incident, Unnecessary Delay is charged and a Loss of Rally point is given to the opponent since a time-out is no longer available. In that case, you blow your whistle, signal Unnecessary Delay (signal 22) and then the point (signal 17) to the opponent. In your specific scenario, since the UD would result in Match Point, you then signal end of game (signal 23), direct the teams to their respective endlines and release them to their benches.
I hope that is a help.